FAQs - Fees & Finances

How do I register?

If you are a new member, please click the "Register as member" on the top right and follow prompts.

Existing members please login to your online account and click re-register.

What does it cost?

Please click on 'Classes' and select your preferred programme to find costs.

"No Pay No Play Policy"


  • Te Wero Gymnastics reserves the right to decline training or competition entry to gymnasts when their training fees are over 21 days overdue. (You will receive an email stating that your account is overdue and until full payment is made your child will not be able to attend their regular training hours).


  • Classes are confirmed and secured upon FULL payment  (unless prior payment arrangements have been made with administration). Late payments will not guarantee a class space. If payment is not received within the first 3 weeks of each term, Te Wero Gymnastics reserves the right to void your child's registration and remove them from the class role.  An email will be sent for notification of removal.


What costs do our fees go towards?

The Club's largest cost is wages, both coaches and administration.  Fees also contribute to utilities such as power, gas and communication suppliers. 

When are Gymnastics New Zealand Affiliation Fees paid?

Competitive Gymnasts are invoiced their GNZ affiliation fees per team.

How can payments be made?

We accept Eftpos, Credit, direct payments and Cash.

  • Bank Account Details - 06-0817-0421002-000 - Please ensure you reference with your child's name and invoice number eg. FM-1111 
  • 3% fee for credit card payments

Please note:

  • All statutory holidays are observed.  This means no refunds/credits are given for classes that fall on public holidays.
  • Only credits will only be applied if classes are cancelled by Te Wero Gymnastics.
  • Refund/Credits are not given for gymnasts who are absent from class due to illness, injury or personal circumstances unless they have been absent for 3 consecutive weeks AND a medical certificate is produced and administration has been notified via email.
  • Refunds are not given for general absenteeisum and family holidays (Competitive gymnasts: please refer to the current Te Wero Competition Handbook).
  • After the first 3 weeks of each term - no refunds/credits will be given if your child no longer wishes to attend their class.  If you child does not wish to continue within the first 3 weeks of a term, the administration must be notified via email in order to be refunded for the rest of term. 
  • If your child is enrolled but does not attend any classes or decides not to continue AND if administration is not notified via email of this, then the FULL term fee will be applied and expected to be paid after week 3 of each term.  Without notifying administration, your child's enrolment is a space that we are unable to offer to other children wanting to enrol in the same class.
  • [Recreation & Preschool] We do not offer make-up classes, as our new recreation programme consists of set weekly lesson plans and uniquely applied to the gymnasts attending the same sessions each week.
  • New gymnasts starting part way through a term are charged on a pro-rated basis.

IMPORTANT LINKS:  Fees & Payments Policy (Jan 2023)


Why do we pay a Gymnastics New Zealand affiliation?

As Te Wero Gymnastics is a satellite club of Olympia whom is an affiliated club of our national body GNZ.  Members and the Club pay an affilition fee so that GNZ have the resources to govern and operate our sport.  For example coach and judge education, advocation on behalf of Clubs to Sport New Zealand, Regional Sporting Organisations (in our case Sport Canterbury) and Funding Stakeholders, frameworks for competition pathways, gymnastic programme dvelopment.


What funding sources other than member fees are available to the Club?

The Club is registered as a Charity and can therefore apply to funders where the application meets the funding criteria.  The approved applications are generally applied to equipment purchases, education, first aid courses and competition expenses.  From time to time the Club will initiate fundraisers for specific projects.  Other funding streams include facility hire, courses and workshops, donations and competition profit.

What happens with unspent grant funds?

Grant funds can only be spent on the specified item for which it was applied for.  Any unspent funds must go back to the funding body.  There is a reconcilation and reporting process to be complied with for each authorised grant.  Grant funds carried into the new financial year and noted in the AGM financials would have only landed into the account in the August/September, items may have been ordered, but unpaid for at the time of 30th September.